Using Essential Oils Effectively!



Essential oils are wonderful for health and healing, and are very powerful.  They were used as the original medicines for thousands of years and should be treated as such.  Before using essential oils we should educate ourselves on their usage.  Just as you wouldn’t get a medication from a doctor without finding out about it, how you should take it, when you should take it etc. or at least reading the instructions on the prescription, it is the same with essential oils.  It is important to learn about them before using them.

Essential oils are extremely beneficial for many health issues.  They can aid in anything from relaxation to energy and much more!  It is important however to use them properly and safely.  I do not recommend applying any essential oil to your skin that is not mixed with a carrier oil first. These oils can be very strong and especially for those with sensitive skin, it can irritate or burn the skin. Purchase oils that are already mixed, they will usually say essential oil mix or blend and will have a carrier oil (base oil) listed first under the ingredients. If you purchase straight essential oils they will say essential oil and this means they will have to be mixed and diluted with a base oil such as olive oil, grape seed oil, coconut oil etc. before applying directly to the skin.  Straight essential oils are great for diffusing for aromatherapy, but not to be put on the skin without dilution.

Essential oils are natural extracted oils from plants and are very healing to the mind, body and spirit, but not all essential oils are created equally. When purchasing essential oils be sure to purchase ones that are pure 100% essential oil or they may have something else added with the oil. The oil should also be therapeutic grade for using on your skin for healing purposes.

Most people can benefit from the use of therapeutic essential oils, however there are some people who should not use essential oils at certain times of their lives, or should not use certain types of essential oils.  Essential oils should never be used if you are pregnant and not recommended for young children.  You should not use the same essential oil for a prolonged period of time without a periodic break from use of the particular oil.  Before using an essential oil you should be aware of that oils properties and effects on certain people.  For example certain oils should not be used if you have high blood pressure or epilepsy etc.  Some essential oil companies say that their oils can be taken internally, but I personally would never use essential oils internally, but this is just my personal opinion.

Always consult your doctor before using essential oils.  Essential oils are great for your health and very healing but should not be put in place of a doctor’s care.  They should be used to prevent and retain health and in conjunction with your doctors care.

The best way to use an essential oil mix for therapeutic reasons is to put some on the bottoms of your feet.  The skin on your feet is not as sensitive as the rest of your body for irritation purposes and putting them on the bottom of your feet is the fastest way to get the oils into your blood stream.  The oils get absorbed through the feet and go straight through the body.

Stay healthy and happy by using this information before using your oils!

Written by Aromatherapist Jeanne Wells


For a great brand of Therapeutic Grade, 100% Pure Essential Oils, try Barefut Essential Oils.  Click here or on the picture for more information and to get yours today! 

Barefut Essential Oils

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